Hang off an anchor (detach anchor)


bullet Necessary if required to use free end of cable.
bullet Used when making fast to a buoy.
bullet First joining shackle of cable, usually 2 - 4 meters from anchor, is opened.


When using through panama lead:

bullet The anchor is stowed between gypsy and hawse pipe.
bullet The anchor is secured by wire lashing.
bullet The cable is passed through fairlead by using chain hooks.



When using through hawse pipe:

bullet If cable is passed through the hawse pipe, anchor to be removed and secured on ship's side.
bullet The anchor is lowered at cockbill.
bullet A slip wire (24mm wire rope for a 5t anchor) passed from bitts situated near hawse pipe, anchor shackle and back to deck.
bullet Both parts are hove taut and secured with maximum flare.
bullet Another wire (No2) of same dia passed from bitts through the cable forward of the joining shackle, led to the nearest winch.
bullet No2 wire veered (slacked) slowly so that the anchor swings aft.
bullet When both the wires are taut, or when weight is transferred to slip wire, no2 wire is cast off.
bullet Cable now can be broken and used.


Updated: June 20, 2003