Minimum stability criteria

General cargo ships

bullet The area under GZ curve should not be less than:
0.055m-r up to an angle of 30°.
0.09m-r up to an angle of 40 degrees or angle of flooding (angle at which the lower edges of any openings in the hull, superstructures or deck houses, being openings which cannot be closed water tight are immersed) whichever is lower.
0.03m-r between the angle of 30 degrees and 40 degrees or angle of flooding whichever is lower.
bullet The righting lever shall be at least 0.2m at an angle of heal equal to or greater than 30 degrees.
bullet The maximum righting lever shall occur at an angle of heel of not less than 30 degrees.
bullet The initial transverse metacentric height (GM) shall not be less than 0.15m,